Cedar - LCMC Health’s Ryan Hildebrand on Getting Buy-In for Innovation Initiatives

LCMC Health’s Ryan Hildebrand on Getting Buy-In for Innovation Initiatives

In this episode of Cedar Talks, our VP of Commercial Strategy Ryan McPherson chats with Ryan Hildebrand, Innovation Administrator at LCMC Health, about the art of consensus building in a complex healthcare enterprise. Ryan H. shares his strategies for developing innovative concepts within the organization, getting senior and operational leadership on board, and more.

Listen to the full episode

Conversation highlights

Rallying support for change

One of Ryan’s superpowers is the power to bring people along. What approach has he found to be the most effective?

Selling innovation internally

Securing buy-in means understanding your audience. Ryan shares how he tailors messages for different stakeholder groups.

Get to know Ryan in 30 seconds

Our chat wasn’t just about business. We also had time for some rapid-fire questions — here’s what we learned about Ryan:

Ben Kraus is a Content Strategy Manager at Cedar